Let’s Talk About CoryxKenshin Net Worth in 2024

CoryxKenshin Net Worth 2024


CoryxKenshin, a well-known American YouTuber, has made a significant impact in the gaming industry. With a net worth of $20 million in 2024, Cory DeVante Williams, better known as CoryxKenshin, has built an impressive career through his YouTube channel. This article delves into his income sources, popularity, and the factors contributing to his financial success.

CoryxKenshin’s Main Source of Income

Cory DeVante Williams, known as Coryxkenshin, has established himself as a major player in the YouTube gaming community, and his income reflects this success. His primary source of income is multifaceted, stemming from several key streams: ad revenue from his YouTube channel, sponsorship deals, and merchandise sales. Each of these sources plays a significant role in his financial portfolio, contributing to his impressive net worth of $20 million as of 2023.

YouTube Ad Revenue

The cornerstone of Coryxkenshin’s income is the ad revenue generated from his YouTube channel. With over 15.5 million subscribers and billions of total views, Coryxkenshin’s channel is a significant draw for advertisers. YouTube’s monetization system allows content creators to earn money through ads displayed on their videos. The earnings from these ads are typically calculated based on the number of views and the engagement rate of the content.

On average, YouTubers in the United States earn between $3 to $7 per thousand video views. Considering Coryxkenshin’s channel garners approximately 54.6 million views per month, this translates to a substantial monthly income. Based on conservative estimates, Coryxkenshin’s ad revenue amounts to around $218,400 per month, which is approximately $2.6 million annually. This figure can vary depending on the ad rates, viewer demographics, and the type of content being produced. Some videos, especially those that are highly engaging or go viral, can attract higher ad rates, potentially increasing his earnings beyond the average range.

Sponsorship Deals

In addition to ad revenue, Coryxkenshin benefits significantly from sponsorship deals. As a prominent YouTuber with a large and dedicated following, he is an attractive partner for brands looking to promote their products or services. These sponsorships often involve Coryxkenshin featuring products in his videos, participating in brand campaigns, or even creating dedicated content around the sponsor’s offerings.

The value of these deals can vary widely depending on the brand, the scope of the campaign, and the level of integration required. Top-tier YouTubers like Coryxkenshin can command substantial fees for these partnerships, which can range from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars per campaign. Sponsorships not only provide a lucrative income stream but also offer opportunities for Coryxkenshin to engage with his audience in new and creative ways.

Merchandise Sales

Coryxkenshin has also capitalized on his popularity through merchandise sales. His official store, the Coryxkenshin Merch Shop, offers a variety of products including clothing, accessories, and other branded items. Merchandise sales provide a direct revenue stream that leverages his brand’s loyalty and visibility.

The merchandise strategy is particularly effective because it not only generates income but also strengthens the connection between Coryxkenshin and his fans. By purchasing and wearing Coryxkenshin-branded items, fans can express their support and feel more closely connected to their favorite creator. The exact revenue from merchandise can be difficult to quantify without specific sales data, but it is a significant and growing part of his overall income.

Other Revenue Streams

While ad revenue, sponsorships, and merchandise sales constitute the primary sources of Coryxkenshin’s income, there are additional revenue streams that contribute to his financial success. These include:

  1. Affiliate Marketing: Coryxkenshin can earn commissions by promoting products and services through affiliate links. When his viewers make purchases through these links, he receives a percentage of the sales.
  2. Live Streaming Donations: During live streams, fans can donate money directly to Coryxkenshin. These donations can be a substantial source of income, especially during special events or charity streams.
  3. Platform Exclusivity Deals: Occasionally, platforms like Twitch or YouTube may offer exclusive contracts to popular creators, providing guaranteed income in exchange for exclusive content or streaming rights.

Coryxkenshin’s Popularity and Viewership on YouTube

Cory DeVante Williams, better known as Coryxkenshin, is a household name in the YouTube gaming community. His journey from a casual content creator to a prominent figure in the gaming world is a testament to his talent, charisma, and strategic content planning. Let’s delve into the factors that contribute to his popularity and impressive viewership on YouTube.

Beginnings and Evolution

Coryxkenshin began his YouTube journey in 2009, starting as a vlogger with simple, relatable content. Over time, he shifted his focus to gaming, a decision that would prove pivotal for his career. His early gaming videos, often featuring horror games, struck a chord with viewers, showcasing his unique ability to blend humor with genuine reactions to in-game scares. This niche content helped him build a loyal fanbase that appreciated his authenticity and entertaining style.

Content Strategy

One of the key factors behind Coryxkenshin’s popularity is his well-crafted content strategy. He primarily focuses on horror and action games, genres that have a broad appeal on YouTube. Games like “Five Nights at Freddy’s,” “Outlast,” and “Resident Evil” are staples on his channel, attracting viewers who enjoy high-stakes, adrenaline-pumping gameplay.

Coryxkenshin’s content is not just about playing games; it’s about creating an experience. He skillfully combines gameplay with engaging commentary, humorous edits, and personal anecdotes, making his videos highly entertaining. His ability to connect with his audience through genuine reactions and relatable humor sets him apart from many other gaming YouTubers.

Consistency and Engagement

Consistency in uploading content has played a crucial role in Coryxkenshin’s sustained popularity. His regular uploads keep his audience engaged and coming back for more. Even when he takes breaks, which he is known for, his return is always met with enthusiasm and support from his fans, indicating the strong bond he has built with his community.

Engagement with fans extends beyond just posting videos. Coryxkenshin actively interacts with his audience through social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter, where he shares personal updates, behind-the-scenes content, and engages in conversations with his followers. This level of interaction fosters a sense of community and loyalty among his fans.

Impressive Viewership Statistics

Coryxkenshin’s YouTube channel boasts over 15.5 million subscribers, a number that reflects his widespread popularity. His videos consistently receive high view counts, contributing to his impressive overall statistics. On average, his channel garners about 54.6 million views per month, which breaks down to approximately 1.82 million views per day.

These viewership numbers are a testament to his content’s quality and appeal. High view counts translate to increased ad revenue, making his YouTube channel a significant source of income. The large number of daily views indicates a highly engaged audience that eagerly consumes his content as soon as it is released.

Viral Moments and Collaborations

Coryxkenshin’s channel has had several viral moments that have significantly boosted his visibility. His playthroughs of popular horror games often go viral, thanks to his genuine and often hilarious reactions. These viral videos not only attract new viewers but also help in retaining existing ones by providing memorable content that fans love to revisit.

Collaborations with other popular YouTubers have also played a role in expanding his reach. Teaming up with creators like Muyskerm, Yamimash, LordMinion777, and Jacksepticeye has introduced Coryxkenshin to their audiences, leading to cross-pollination of fan bases. These collaborations often result in engaging and entertaining content, further solidifying his place in the YouTube gaming community.

Merchandise and Branding

Coryxkenshin’s popularity extends beyond YouTube, with a strong presence in the merchandise market. His Coryxkenshin Merch Shop offers a range of products that fans can purchase to show their support. Branded merchandise, including clothing and accessories, not only provides an additional revenue stream but also serves as a marketing tool, increasing his visibility offline.

Coryxkenshin’s Earning Options

Coryxkenshin, also known as Cory DeVante Williams, has successfully diversified his income streams, leveraging his immense popularity and influence as a YouTube content creator. His ability to generate revenue from various sources highlights his strategic approach to building a sustainable and lucrative career in the digital space. Let’s explore the multiple earning options that contribute to Coryxkenshin’s impressive net worth.

1. YouTube Ad Revenue

The primary source of Coryxkenshin’s income is the ad revenue generated from his YouTube channel. With over 15.5 million subscribers and millions of daily views, his channel is a significant money-making machine. YouTube monetizes content by displaying ads before, during, and after videos. Content creators like Coryxkenshin earn money based on the number of views these ads receive.

YouTube pays creators an average of $3 to $7 per thousand video views, but this amount can vary based on factors such as the viewer’s location, the type of ad, and the time of year. Given his high viewership, Coryxkenshin’s ad revenue can reach substantial figures. For instance, with an average of 54.6 million views per month, his ad revenue is estimated to be around $218.4 thousand per month and approximately $2 million annually. In some cases, depending on ad rates and viewer engagement, this figure could be even higher.

2. Sponsorship Deals

In addition to ad revenue, sponsorship deals form a significant part of Coryxkenshin’s earnings. Brands and companies often partner with popular YouTubers to promote their products or services. These sponsorships can be highly lucrative, especially when the YouTuber has a large and engaged audience.

Coryxkenshin has collaborated with various brands, including gaming companies and tech firms. These partnerships typically involve creating content that features the sponsor’s products, integrating promotional messages into videos, or even dedicating entire videos to reviewing or showcasing the sponsor’s offerings. The exact earnings from sponsorships can vary widely but are generally substantial for creators of Coryxkenshin’s stature.

3. Merchandise Sales

Merchandise sales are another profitable revenue stream for Coryxkenshin. He operates the Coryxkenshin Merch Shop, where fans can purchase branded clothing and accessories. Merchandise sales not only provide a direct source of income but also help in strengthening his brand and building a deeper connection with his audience.

The success of merchandise depends on the loyalty of the fanbase and the appeal of the products offered. Given Coryxkenshin’s dedicated following, his merch shop likely generates significant revenue. Items like T-shirts, hoodies, hats, and other branded accessories are popular among fans who want to support him and feel a sense of belonging to his community.

4. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is another avenue through which Coryxkenshin earns money. This involves promoting products or services and earning a commission for each sale made through his referral links. For instance, he might recommend gaming equipment, software, or other related products, providing links in his video descriptions or on social media.

When his followers purchase items through these links, Coryxkenshin earns a percentage of the sales. This method of income can be highly effective, especially given his influence and the trust his audience places in his recommendations. Affiliate marketing allows him to earn passive income alongside his primary content creation activities.

5. Social Media Revenue

Coryxkenshin’s presence extends beyond YouTube to platforms like Instagram and Twitter, where he has millions of followers. These platforms also offer monetization opportunities through sponsored posts and brand partnerships. By promoting products or services on his social media accounts, Coryxkenshin can earn additional income.

For example, a sponsored post on Instagram can earn a significant amount depending on the reach and engagement it receives. With over 2.8 million followers on Instagram, Coryxkenshin’s posts have a wide reach, making them attractive to brands looking to advertise their products.

6. Live Streams and Donations

Live streaming is another income source for Coryxkenshin. Platforms like YouTube and Twitch allow creators to broadcast live content to their audiences, who can then support them through donations or paid subscriptions. During live streams, viewers can donate money to their favorite creators, often receiving shout-outs or other forms of recognition in return.

These donations can add up quickly, especially during special events or charity streams. Additionally, some platforms offer subscription models where fans can pay a monthly fee for exclusive content or perks, providing a steady stream of income.

7. Personal Projects and Ventures

Beyond his online presence, Coryxkenshin has ventured into personal projects and collaborations that contribute to his income. For instance, he has worked with various brands, such as ASTRO Gaming, Warner Bros, 7-Eleven, Microsoft Store, and The Division 2 Video Game. These partnerships often involve promotional campaigns, special appearances, or collaborative content that can be highly profitable.

Moreover, Coryxkenshin has launched his own clothing brand, “Spreadshirt CoryxKenshin Merchandise,” which further diversifies his income streams. By investing in his brand and exploring new business opportunities, he ensures a steady and growing income.

Coryxkenshin’s Net Worth Breakdown

Coryxkenshin, born Cory DeVante Williams, has established himself as a prominent figure in the YouTube gaming community. His net worth, estimated at $20 million in 2023, reflects his success and diverse revenue streams. Let’s delve into a detailed breakdown of Coryxkenshin’s net worth, examining his income sources, year-wise growth, and overall financial trajectory.

Coryxkenshin’s Main Sources of Income

  1. YouTube Ad Revenue: Coryxkenshin’s primary income source is the ad revenue from his YouTube channel. With millions of views per video, this revenue forms a substantial part of his earnings.
  2. Sponsorship Deals: Collaborations with brands and companies, especially in the gaming and tech industries, provide significant earnings.
  3. Merchandise Sales: Through his Coryxkenshin Merch Shop, he sells branded clothing and accessories, adding another revenue stream.
  4. Affiliate Marketing: Promoting products and earning commissions through referral links contribute to his income.
  5. Social Media Revenue: Earnings from sponsored posts and partnerships on platforms like Instagram and Twitter.
  6. Live Streams and Donations: Additional income from live streaming and viewer donations.
  7. Personal Ventures: Earnings from personal projects, collaborations, and his clothing brand, “Spreadshirt CoryxKenshin Merchandise.”

Year-wise Net Worth Growth

To provide a clearer picture of Coryxkenshin’s financial growth, here’s an estimated year-wise breakdown of his net worth:

Year Estimated Net Worth
2015 $1 million
2016 $2 million
2017 $4 million
2018 $6 million
2019 $9 million
2020 $12 million
2021 $15 million
2022 $18 million
2023 $20 million

Detailed Income Breakdown

  1. YouTube Ad Revenue:
    • Monthly Views: 54.6 million
    • Ad Revenue per Thousand Views: $3 – $7
    • Monthly Ad Revenue: $163,800 – $382,200
    • Annual Ad Revenue: $1,965,600 – $4,586,400
  2. Sponsorship Deals:
    • Estimated Annual Earnings: $500,000 – $1,000,000
  3. Merchandise Sales:
    • Estimated Annual Earnings: $500,000 – $1,000,000
  4. Affiliate Marketing:
    • Estimated Annual Earnings: $100,000 – $300,000
  5. Social Media Revenue:
    • Estimated Annual Earnings: $200,000 – $500,000
  6. Live Streams and Donations:
    • Estimated Annual Earnings: $100,000 – $300,000
  7. Personal Ventures:
    • Estimated Annual Earnings: $200,000 – $500,000

Net Worth Analysis

Coryxkenshin’s net worth of $20 million in 2023 is the result of a strategic combination of various income streams. Here’s a closer look at each contributing factor:

  • YouTube Ad Revenue: With his high viewership, Coryxkenshin earns a significant portion of his income through YouTube ads. His monthly views and CPM (cost per thousand views) rates contribute heavily to his annual earnings.
  • Sponsorship Deals: Brands are eager to partner with him due to his massive influence and engaged audience. These deals often bring in substantial revenue, sometimes even surpassing ad revenue.
  • Merchandise Sales: His branded merchandise is popular among fans, providing a steady and lucrative income stream.
  • Affiliate Marketing: By promoting products he believes in, Coryxkenshin earns commissions on sales made through his referral links.
  • Social Media Revenue: His large followings on Instagram and Twitter attract sponsored posts and partnerships, adding to his income.
  • Live Streams and Donations: Fan donations during live streams and paid subscriptions contribute additional revenue.
  • Personal Ventures: His clothing brand and other collaborations further diversify his income.

Coryxkenshin’s Lifestyle and Collaborations

Coryxkenshin, known for his engaging gaming videos and charismatic personality, leads a lifestyle that reflects his success and diverse interests. Let’s explore his luxurious lifestyle, high-profile collaborations, and how these elements contribute to his brand and net worth.


1. Luxurious Home: Coryxkenshin resides in a luxurious bungalow in South Lyon, Michigan. The house, valued at approximately $400,000, boasts modern amenities and provides a comfortable and spacious environment. This home serves as a testament to his financial success and is a significant part of his lifestyle.

2. Cars and Gadgets: As a tech-savvy individual and gaming enthusiast, Coryxkenshin enjoys the latest gadgets and gaming equipment. He often shares glimpses of his gaming setup, which includes high-end computers, gaming consoles, and accessories. While he keeps a relatively low profile regarding cars, it’s likely he owns a vehicle that complements his lifestyle.

3. Hobbies and Interests: Outside of gaming, Coryxkenshin has a variety of hobbies. He enjoys driving and has a passion for cars. Additionally, his love for gaming extends beyond his professional work; it’s also a personal hobby that he enjoys in his free time. These hobbies provide him with a balance between his work and personal life, helping him relax and unwind.

4. Philanthropy: Coryxkenshin is known for his charitable activities. He frequently engages in philanthropic efforts, including fundraising streams and charity events. His commitment to giving back to the community is an integral part of his lifestyle, reflecting his values and the positive impact he aims to make.


Coryxkenshin’s collaborations have significantly contributed to his popularity and financial success. By partnering with various brands and fellow content creators, he has expanded his reach and diversified his content.

1. Brand Collaborations: Coryxkenshin has collaborated with several prominent brands, especially in the gaming and technology sectors. Some of his notable collaborations include:

  • ASTRO Gaming: Coryxkenshin has partnered with ASTRO Gaming, a leading provider of premium video gaming equipment, to promote their products. This collaboration aligns with his gaming-centric brand and offers his audience valuable insights into high-quality gaming gear.
  • Warner Bros: As a popular figure in the entertainment industry, Coryxkenshin has worked with Warner Bros on various promotional activities, including video games and movies. This partnership helps him reach a broader audience and integrates mainstream entertainment with his content.
  • 7-Eleven: In an unexpected yet successful collaboration, Coryxkenshin partnered with 7-Eleven for promotional campaigns. This partnership showcases his versatility and appeal beyond the gaming community.
  • Microsoft Store: Collaborating with Microsoft Store, Coryxkenshin has promoted gaming products and services, further solidifying his position as an influential figure in the gaming industry.
  • The Division 2 Video Game: As part of his gaming content, Coryxkenshin has collaborated with the creators of The Division 2, a popular video game. This partnership included gameplay videos, reviews, and promotional content, enhancing his credibility as a gaming expert.

2. YouTuber Collaborations: Coryxkenshin has also worked with several other well-known YouTubers, creating engaging and entertaining content. Some of his notable collaborations include:

  • Muyskerm: Together with Muyskerm, Coryxkenshin has created collaborative gaming videos, providing their combined audiences with entertaining and dynamic content.
  • Yamimash: Another frequent collaborator, Yamimash, has joined Coryxkenshin in various gaming challenges and playthroughs, showcasing their camaraderie and shared passion for gaming.
  • LordMinion777: Collaborating with LordMinion777, Coryxkenshin has produced a range of gaming videos that highlight their combined skills and entertaining commentary.
  • Jacksepticeye: One of the most popular YouTubers, Jacksepticeye, has worked with Coryxkenshin on numerous occasions. Their collaborations are highly anticipated by fans and contribute to Coryxkenshin’s growing popularity.

3. Clothing Brand: In addition to these partnerships, Coryxkenshin has launched his own clothing brand, “Spreadshirt CoryxKenshin Merchandise.” This venture allows his fans to purchase branded clothing and accessories, further cementing his brand’s presence and providing an additional revenue stream.

FAQs on Coryxkenshin’s Net Worth

Coryxkenshin, a prominent figure in the YouTube gaming community, has amassed a substantial net worth through his engaging content and strategic ventures. Here are some frequently asked questions about his net worth, providing in-depth insights into how he achieved his financial success.

1. How did Coryxkenshin become popular?

Coryxkenshin’s Rise to Fame: Coryxkenshin, whose real name is Cory DeVante Williams, started his YouTube journey in 2009. Initially, he focused on vlogging, but his channel gained significant traction when he shifted to gaming content. His engaging personality, combined with his focus on horror and action games, resonated with a wide audience. Collaborations with other popular YouTubers like Jacksepticeye, Muyskerm, and Yamimash further boosted his popularity. Coryxkenshin’s consistent uploads, humorous commentary, and genuine interactions with his fans have helped him build a loyal following.

2. What is Coryxkenshin’s primary source of income?

Main Source of Income: Coryxkenshin’s primary income source is his YouTube channel, where he earns through ad revenue, sponsorship deals, and merchandise sales. With millions of subscribers and billions of views, his ad revenue alone is significant. Additionally, he collaborates with various brands for sponsorships, promoting gaming gear, tech products, and other merchandise. His online store, Coryxkenshin Merch Shop, also contributes to his income by selling branded clothing and accessories.

3. How much does Coryxkenshin earn from YouTube?

YouTube Earnings Breakdown: Coryxkenshin’s YouTube channel is a major revenue generator. Here’s a detailed look at his earnings:

  • Ad Revenue: On average, Coryxkenshin earns between $3 to $7 per thousand video views. With around 54.6 million views per month, his estimated monthly ad revenue is approximately $218,400, translating to about $2.62 million annually.
  • Sponsorships and Promotions: In addition to ad revenue, Coryxkenshin earns a substantial amount from sponsorships and promotional deals. These collaborations can add another few million dollars to his annual income, depending on the number and nature of the deals.

4. Does Coryxkenshin have other sources of income?

Additional Income Streams: Yes, Coryxkenshin has diversified his income streams beyond YouTube. These include:

  • Merchandise Sales: His Coryxkenshin Merch Shop offers various branded products, contributing significantly to his income.
  • Affiliate Marketing: Coryxkenshin earns commissions through affiliate marketing by promoting products and services in his videos and on social media platforms.
  • Social Media Presence: Coryxkenshin’s active presence on Instagram, with over 2.8 million followers, provides additional opportunities for sponsored posts and brand deals.

5. What is Coryxkenshin’s net worth as of 2023?

Net Worth in 2023: As of 2023, Coryxkenshin’s net worth is estimated to be $20 million. This impressive figure is a result of his multiple revenue streams, strategic collaborations, and consistent growth in his online presence.

6. How has Coryxkenshin’s net worth evolved over the years?

Year-wise Net Worth Breakdown: Coryxkenshin’s net worth has seen substantial growth over the years due to his increasing popularity and diversification of income sources. Here’s a rough estimation of his net worth over the past few years:

Year Estimated Net Worth
2018 $5 million
2019 $8 million
2020 $12 million
2021 $15 million
2022 $18 million
2023 $20 million

These estimates reflect his growing influence and expanding revenue streams from his YouTube channel, merchandise sales, and collaborations.

7. What kind of lifestyle does Coryxkenshin lead?

Lifestyle Insights: Coryxkenshin leads a comfortable and luxurious lifestyle. He owns a modern bungalow in South Lyon, Michigan, valued at around $400,000. His lifestyle is also marked by his passion for the latest tech gadgets and gaming equipment. Despite his wealth, Coryxkenshin remains grounded and often engages in philanthropic activities, showcasing his commitment to giving back to the community.

8. Who has Coryxkenshin collaborated with?

Notable Collaborations: Coryxkenshin has collaborated with several high-profile brands and fellow YouTubers. Some of his significant brand collaborations include ASTRO Gaming, Warner Bros, Microsoft Store, and 7-Eleven. These collaborations help him reach a wider audience and enhance his brand value. Additionally, he has partnered with other YouTubers like Jacksepticeye, Muyskerm, and Yamimash, which has further increased his visibility and subscriber base.

9. What impact has Coryxkenshin had on the gaming community?

Community Impact: Coryxkenshin has had a significant impact on the gaming community through his engaging content and collaborative spirit. His videos not only entertain but also provide valuable insights into various games, particularly in the horror and action genres. His approachable personality and genuine interactions with fans have built a strong community around his channel, inspiring many aspiring YouTubers and gamers.

10. What are Coryxkenshin’s future plans and projects?

Future Endeavors: Coryxkenshin continues to focus on expanding his content and exploring new opportunities within and outside YouTube. His plans include more collaborations, exploring different genres of gaming, and possibly venturing into other forms of media and entertainment. With his strong work ethic and innovative approach, Coryxkenshin is poised to achieve even greater success in the coming years.


Coryxkenshin’s journey from a budding YouTuber to a multimillionaire content creator is a testament to his hard work, strategic thinking, and genuine connection with his audience. His diverse income streams, high-profile collaborations, and luxurious lifestyle reflect his success. As he continues to evolve and expand his brand, Coryxkenshin’s influence and net worth are likely to grow even further.

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